Additional Useful Links Swale
Swale Borough Council Links
Just look through the list and click on the item you want, you will then be taken to the appropriate website page. All links are listed in alphabetical order.
To report an Abandoned Horse
To request Clinical Waste Bins, Sharps Bins and disposal of
Community Safety and Emegencies
Covers all areas of Community Safety and Emergencies within the Swale area
Information on what you could get in Council Tax Support as well as the online application form
To report a Dead Animal
Gives information on Disabled Car Parking Bays in the Swale area
To report Dog Fouling
To contact a Dog Warden
To report any incidents of Pollution or Contamination including Water Pollution
Gives information on all Car Parks in the Swale area and has a search facility to find the car park you might want when planning your journey
To report instances of Fly Posting
To report any instances of Fly Tipping
Gives information on how to dispose of and where to dispose of all Garden Waste
To report Hazardous Waste
Advice on being homeless is given on this page
Swale Borough Council Housing Page dealing with all matters concerning Housing including the Housing Register and Homelessness among others
Street Cleaning etc.
Advice on where and how you may be able to apply for a Local Loan for the community benefit
Gives information on Parking and Streets within the Swale area, including payment of penalty notices
This is where you can search for a particular Planning Application to see the documentation.
Please use the contact form here to report any issues you might have with Road Cleaning requirements
Advice on Business Rates and Reliefs, as well as General Small Business Advice
To report a Stray Dog, to see if your dog has been found
Swale Local Plan Documents including Parish Boundaries
Information on Sports Grounds available in Swale and giving information on booking and costs
Sports Grounds and Leisure Centres
Lists Sports Grounds and Leisure Centres in Swale that can be used and potential hire charges
Swale Tourism and Leisure Page covering all aspects of this industry in the Swale area
To report any incidents of unathorised camps
Advice and Applications to work on Trees in Swale
Advice on disposal of all Household Waste
What Volunteering Opportunities are available in Swale
To discover what Volunteering Services there are in Swale
Gives information on Woodlands and Country Parks you can visit in the Swale area